03 July 2011

Happy Holiday; Don't read this if you're allergic...

...to pictures of ridiculously amazing looking food. Or if you may end up cheating on your diet because of it.
You can't say I didn't warn you.
Now, proceed.

Happy Independance Day!
I hope all of you are enjoying a *day off* and time with loved ones.

I'm not going to get all mushy, and be like "I'm deployed on the 4th of July and want all this praise" because I don't. I can't see myself doing anything else (except having a bakery, seriously I wish I was kidding...but all I want to do is bake when I get home) so don't thank me, thank your older veterans, thank the wives and husbands of those who sacrificed themselves, but don't thank me - I'm just doing my job, just like everyone else. I know the risk, and I accept it and it's all worth it in the end. Freedom is a beautiful thing. *le sigh* Now, if only I could get a day off and SLEEP IN. Maybe I would be more of a beautiful thing if I didn't have bags under my eyes, and frizzy ass hair every day (because you can't order harispray over here!!)

So today, aside from doing a blog overhaul - expect to see me around more. I spend most of my day in a big building alone, so I really need an outlet and things to keep me busy. Fitness, and health is my passion - and after going over it in my head a few times, it's the one thing that I think is missing from most people's lives. Not fitness, but passion. I love talking about it, writing about it, and now..for the first time in my life, DOING IT. Yep, I have sacrificed myself to the fitness gods. No longer am I resisting the no pain, no gain mentality. I'm embracing it, like my alter ego would a big double chocolate chip cookie right now...

Sorry for those of you about to step on stage...I'm sorry you had to see that.

My alter ego? It's true. We all have one - actually I think I have two. One side is logical, intellectual and fit. The other is emotional, self-gratifying and fat. They battle it out in my head, but now more than ever...my FIT BRAIN is winning...and that's because I want it to but that's a story for another day.

Going back to the picture above, you have GOT to be kidding me that I have access to a website called "foodporndaily" but I can't get to fitness websites for "provocative attire". There's nothing in the URL that screams - PORN PORN PORN, but I guess the word PORN added with FOOD doesn't throw any red flags (and probably thanks to this post, my blog will come up when everyone searches for PORN...sorry dudes, real sorry to dissapoint). Do NOT go to that website, unless you want a food boner. I said it, but it's so true..that and some DROOL on your face.

I'll have to update on my progress tomorrow, because I forgot my chart...along with my brain, back in my room. I've had a very strange past couple of days.

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